Forms: Sharing, Copying or Duplicating Forms from the OLD to the NEW M365 Tenant
To access your MS Forms in the new tenant, you will need to follow the steps outlined below.
However, before you do this, you need to decide which of the two options below best meets your needs, then follow the steps.
Please note that you will be required to copy and paste links into a Word/Pages document, so you can then open the links once signed into the new tenant. Make sure this document is securely saved.
Option 1
Option 2
- You want to access the form, including all existing responses/data
- You only need a copy of the blank form template
STEP 1. Open the form and click on the [...] ellipse to open settings.
STEP 1. Open the form and click on the [...] ellipse to open settings.
STEP 2. Select [Add Collaborators]
STEP 2. Select [Share as a Template]
STEP 3. Copy Link
STEP 3. Copy Link
STEP 4. Paste the link into a Word/Pages document
STEP 4. Paste the link into a Word/Pages document
STEP 5. Once you've signed into the new M365 tenant in the browser, open the Word or Pages document, copy the link, and paste it into your web browser to access the form and all its data.
STEP 5. Once you've signed into the new M365 tenant in the browser, open the Word or Pages document, copy the link, and paste it into your web browser.
STEP 6. If you need to copy this form to create a new blank template, follow these steps.
- Go to My Form
- Find the form you want to copy
- Click on the [...]
- Select 'copy'
STEP 6. Click on the "duplicate" button at the top of screen to create your own copy of the form
You will now have your own blank copy of the form to use as you wish.
Please note, NO DATA / RESPONSES are transferred when "sharing as a template". If you want the data to come across, you need to follow the steps outlined in Option 1