OneNote - Moving / Copying Sections and Pages in OneNote
If you need to move or copy a section or pages from one notebook to another, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Open Notebooks in the OneNote App
Ensure you have both notebooks open in your OneNote Desktop App; this process will not work in Teams or OneNote Online.
NB: Notebooks are typically saved to OneDrive or Teams.
- To open a notebook saved to your OneDrive, you will need to open OneDrive in the browser, click to open the chosen notebook in OneNote Online, then click on the [EDIT] button to "Open in Desktop App".
Step 2: Open the OneNote App
- Click on the notebook you would like to move / copy sections from.
- Right-click on the relevant section and select [Copy/Move Section to...]
TIP: All pages in the section must be synced for you to be able to move/copy. Do a sync of the notebook before you move / copy sections.
Step 3: Select notebook to move / copy sections
A pop-up window will appear; scroll through to find the notebook and location you want to copy / move the section to. Select "Copy" / "Move"
TIP: if you have lots of notebooks in your OneNote App, drag the notebook to which you are transferring sections/pages to the top of your list. That way, you don't need to scroll through lots of notebooks to find the one you are looking for.
Step 4: Open the notebook you just moved / copied the section to and check that it is there.
Step 5: Repeat this process for all sections that need moving / copying . You can also move / copy individual pages, not just Sections.
Section Groups cannot be moved / copied. In your new notebook, you will need to create the section group first, then go back to the original notebook and move / copy sections into the Section Group
- To create a Section Group, right-click on the Add Section tab (bottom left) and select New Section Group