Teams: Overview
At Scotch, we have the following Microsoft Teams:
All subject classes are assigned a Microsoft ‘team’
Class teams are generated at the start of the school year, and the teams are populated based on the SEQTA timetable; teachers do not have to create teams or manage student access.
If the need to transition to an online / dual-teaching learning environment presents itself, then teams will help facilitate this.
Class Notebooks are embedded in the class teams.
Students are added to the class notebook when added to the team.
All curriculum and administrative areas have a respective Microsoft team.
Staff are automatically added to relevant teams.
If you don’t have access to a specific team and believe you should, please ask your line manager to contact the Tech Centre.
Scotch Central: staff can access a link to the SharePoint file library via the file tab in teams
Staff Notebooks are embedded in the teams. Many learning areas have a master notebook from which resources are copied to class notebooks.
CL/ACLs are responsible for managing staff notebooks
Teams can be created for specific projects where both staff and students can be added.
- Promethean Community
- Music Tutor
- School Production
These teams will need to be manually created and managed.
Please contact an ILT ES staff member if you are wanting to create a special project team
Naming Conventions
Scotch-STU [Student Team]
Scotch-STF [Staff Team]
Structure of a Class Team
Each teacher will use their class team uniquely; the image below shows the general layout of a team.
Your teachers will let you know how they intend to use this platform.
Organising your Teams
You can hide old teams – (e.g., 2021/2022 Teams) by clicking on the […] > Hide
This will keep your teams landing page decluttered and make it easier to find the teams you are currently using.
NB: Hidden teams can be accessed by expanding the Hidden teams tab at the bottom of the home page
Staff Guide: Microsoft Teams @ Scotch
Related articles: Enabling the Camera and Microphone in Teams