Vidigami [School Photo Gallery]

Vidigami is the secure application used to store and share images of various events and activities occurring at Scotch College.
Parents will need to use their Scotch ID and password to log into Vidigami; access can be via:
- Home.Scotch
- Scotch College App
NB: If you try to log in to Vidigami via a Google search, your Scotch login will not work; please go through the link on home.scotch to avoid problems.
NB: If logging in via the Scotch College App, you need to have first downloaded the Vidigami app to your mobile device.
Follow the steps below if you are accessing Vidigami on a laptop or desktop.
Step 1: Go to home.scotch > search [Vidigami]

Step 2: Select [Scotch College]

Step 3: Sign in with your Scotch user ID and password when prompted.

Step 4: You are now free to browse and search Vidigami at your leisure.
You can also access Vidigami directly here; simply click the [Scotch College] button and sign in as above.